Monday 13 February 2012

Here at Last !!


I spent a few days in Kent this week awaiting the birth of my grandson. He should have arrived on the 1st so I had cleared a few days for some Nanny time.
As we should know boys never behave as they should so and he didn't make an appearance. My poor daughter was fit to pop !

Luckily though I got to spend some time with my Dad to celebrate his birthday and do some crafting with my Mum.

This is the card I made for him, it is quite similar to the one I made for my beloved, (probably because I made them at the same time !!)

I also made some Valentines cards which I will show you tomorrow.

And in typical fashion after my daughter was booked into hospital for this morning, baby Pheonix James decided to arrive at 10.48 yesterday morning weighing in at 8lbs 8oz.
Both Mother and baby are to follow !


  1. Congratiations Laurie and what a fabulous name.

  2. Congratulations Laurie, can't wait to see photos of baby Pheonix x

    1. Congratulations Laurie!! I love the baby's name and hope Mum and Pheonix are doing well.
